Day in the Life

In case you missed Mary’s post yesterday, we are sharing what a typical day looks like for each of us. In doing this we wanted to let you know that we too are trying to find a healthy balance daily. It is not easy. We never want to give you the idea that we have it all figured out or that we have loads of free time to dedicate to a healthy lifestyle. We are trying to make it work in our personal lives on a day-to-day basis, and we are allowing healthy choices to become a part of our daily routine. We hope you can begin to see your specific circumstances and realize that you too can make healthy choices in the midst of a very fast-paced culture.

So what does my life look like? You know what…I actually never really know until the end of each day. I own my own business and am an independent graphic designer. I also blog daily (here and over on my personal blog) and shoot photography sessions semi-regularly. I’ll try to give you the most generic/typical day in hopes that you can get some tips or learn from my mistakes! My daily schedule is VERY different compared to Mary’s but I hope that we can connect with various lifestyles!

Day in the Life

10:00 AM

I usually wake up around 10:00 am. I promise I’m not lazy. I’m a night owl and usually work until 2 am each night. Not the healthiest part of my life (especially because my husband goes to bed earlier or would like to go to bed earlier since he often has meetings earlier in the morning). I become extremely productive around 10:00 pm every night and usually capitalize on that surge of energy. I still prioritize 8 hours of sleep though! So when I wake up, I usually take Desh (my dog) outside, make a cup of coffee with my Aeropress and read or check emails. Then if I’m good – I’ll juice some veggies and a piece of fruit or make my favorite quinoa breakfast. Or would that be brunch? After I eat, I make phone calls and work on revisions for my clients.